Shaddy is more than just footwear, they're emblems of resilience. Designed with high quality and vibrant, they embody the essence of empowerment with every step and a story of equality, where actions speak louder than words and turning challenges into opportunities.

The journey of empowerment, strength, and a fresh take on fashion, all encapsulated in every product created.

"A passionate woman in fashion. Learned from her own experiences about appearances. Found Shaddy to empower woman for equality and value."

"Spending a decade in Fashion Retail Industry, she puts her heart and passion into product development, and eager to learn the art of perfection."

A brand that started as a small seed but blossomed into a symbol of resilience, innovation, and positive change. That's 'Shaddy' in a nutshell.
 Shaddy Indonesia was born out of necessity during the COVID-19 pandemic . It was a time of uncertainty, a time when challenges seemed to be around every corner. Yet, this brand emerged as a beacon of hope, a testament that even in the face of adversity, creativity and innovation can thrive especially for woman.

The Beginning

Silviana and May, the people behind Shaddy Indonesia both of them, just like many others, lost their jobs during those hard times. It wasn't just their story; it was a story shared by countless individuals. But instead of succumbing to despair, they harnessed their determination. They looked around and saw that they weren't alone – that there were others facing the same challenges. And so, the idea was born.

Beacon of Solidarity

Approaching Shaddy principal in Italy, Silviana and May started relationship with the Italian partner to produced shoes in Indonesia thus enabling them to create jobs for people that was affected by covid situation. The dreamt was to create a business not just to uplift themselves but to extend a helping hand to others during the pandemic. This brand became a beacon of solidarity, reminding us all that we're in this situation together. It wasn't just about shoes; it was about creating opportunities and hope in the face of adversity.